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John Sheehan



Current member of the Board of Directors, seeking your vote of confidence to serve another term at the pleasure of our fantastic homeowners.


As the 10th Homeowner in January 1998, I show distinction as a HOA volunteer:


1st Homeowner elected as Director in 2002 (3 terms thru 2008); Architectural Review Committee member (2008-12) and current Board Liaison; Incumbent Director (2021-23). Eight years as a Director for a total twelve volunteering. In early years, twice dressed as Santa Claus and once as Easter Bunny to the delight of so many children and families.


Rhodes Ranch Homeowner for 25 years, physically present 99.2% of the time. I maintain a simple lifestyle, available 24/7 for homeowner concerns. And after nearly three decades, I’m a tireless Resident Advocate at County Commission Mtgs.


On the loop, “I see friends shaking hands, saying “How do you do” &“Hao bu Hao”, so feel free to engage me; I’m always willing to listen to everyone’s concerns whether passing by or at home invitation. I’m grateful to my neighbors for their continuing support to my entire family.


“Our flight through life is sustained by the power of our Knowledge”:


By law, our HOA is a Non Profit Corporation whose directors must be volunteers. Our only loyalty is to shareholders (Homeowners), and we’re empowered to create  volunteer committees. To keep our costs down and minimize Assessments, we have a wealth of untapped knowledge within our community. We need more committees, not less, with the autonomy to do the board’s legwork within reasonable time limits.


After a 25 year USAF career, I’ve made Community service my vocation in life. Through continuing education and work experience, I’m prepped to meet HOA demands:       Pilot/Aircraft Commander/Instructor Pilot (7,000 flt hrs/7 planes), Call Sign “MacGyver”. Aircraft Accident Investigator; Chief of Safety; Inspector General Investigator; National Transportation Safety Board Military Airlift Committee member; USAF Academy Bachelor of Science; Master of Business Administration; Air Command & Staff College; Community Management (HOA) Course, UNLV.


Let’s pull together and find the courage to perform our duties beyond self-interests:


  1. Enhance the beauty of our community and increase property values.

  2. Create a plan of action to restore the Rec Center with a defined reopening date.

  3. Evaluate Security contracts to ensure a safe, secure, and enjoyable existence.

  4. Uniformly enforce our rules, stay in compliance with our governing documents.


Each house gets one ballot; choose as a family the four who match your needs & VOTE!   


We are not associated with Rhodes Ranch Association, Inc., any current Board member, or any candidate who may be running for a position on the Rhodes Ranch Board of Directors.  We are 100% funded by resident homeowners of Rhodes Ranch.


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